Fundraisers, 2022-2023
The EES PTO works hard to raise funds for teacher grants and student programs that are not included in the budget, as well as bringing our EES school community together. This year we are planning on getting back to our in-person fundraisers. These have always been a lot of fun and help provide funding for our students. We are working on creative, fun, and safe activities for our EES families to enjoy. As always, all of our fundraisers are optional, we thank you for any support you can give!
It's our hope to face this school year with teamwork, positivity and wonderful thoughts that will make this year the best!
Together we can do this!
2023 Fundraisers
Winter Scholastic Book Fair
March 16 & 17, 2023
at the EES Gym and online
​Using a link to the Scholastic store, parents and students will have a chance to browse thousands of titles which can be searched by age, grade, and category (such as fiction and nonfiction). Orders of books over $25 will ship free right to students’ homes. With every purchase the PTO will receive Scholastic Dollars which are used to purchase resources for our school. More information will be sent out the week before the Book Fair begins. Thank you to the Book Fair committee for organizing this virtual EES students show off their signs for our event!
Family Bingo Night
March 24th, 2023
at the EES Cafe & Gym
Join us for Fun Night of Bingo, with Pizza & prizes for everyone! Bring the whole family for this fun evening event!​
Got Sneakers? Fundraiser
Got old or outgrown shoes & sneakers? Please donate your gently used sneakers and shoes. The PTO earns funds for every pair collected. The sneakers are refurbished, and sent to developing countries. Last year we collected around 500 pairs!
Do you know of a business/organization that would be willing to host a bin to collect used sneakers? If so, please email eesptopresident@gmail.com. A special thanks to Brickside Pizza, Old Saybrook Racquet Club and the Valley Shore YMCA for hosting bins last year. They collected over 150 pairs of shoes collectively with over 100 pairs coming from the YMCA alone! Thank you Carrie Comerford and Renee Picard-Walsh for organizing the collections! You can help us reach our goal of collecting over 750 pairs of shoes this year by bringing your old sneakers, too. Locations will be announced via email throughout the year.
Harvest Festival
Sunday October 2, 2022
Thanks to everyone who volunteered and attended this event!
Special thanks to Cassandra Sweet for Organizing!
Fall Scholastic Book Fair
​Using a link to the Scholastic store, parents and students will have a chance to browse thousands of titles which can be searched by age, grade, and category (such as fiction and nonfiction). Orders of books over $25 will ship free right to students’ homes. With every purchase the PTO will receive Scholastic Dollars which are used to purchase resources for our school. More information will be sent out the week before the Book Fair begins. Thank you to the Book Fair committee for organizing this virtual EES students show off their signs for our event!